Tuesday, January 6, 2009

M and I took Dog to M beach yesterday. It was so much fun, barring all the scratches I received all over my body (Dog's attempt at trying to rescue me). Instead of heading to the spit as usual we headed out the other direction, which was a lot more isolated but with a lot more sea grass. We had our goggles (we have to update our snorkling gear) and went swimming with the fish. At one point M almost swam head first into a jelly fish. Dog didn't like being left alone in the shallows and kept on paddling out to us. Once in awhile he would pounce onto one of us (painfully). It was so much fun.

I feel like walking down to the river for a swim now, but I have a fear of sharks, and apparently this year bull shark spottings have increased in the river. M and I went swimming there are few weeks ago. One of the fishermen commented on the bull shark he hooked there the other day. I don't mind swimming in the river, as long as I'm surrounded by other swimmers. It's all about probability!

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